One of the things I try to do during a season is to repeat things. I say the same things, I run the same drills, we run the same plays... This is not because I am unimaginative, but rather it reinforces ideas, concepts, and skills. For the same reason kids practice vowel sounds and math facts over and over again, so it is that they can benefit from the same in sport.
Routine is part of the process. All of the practices are pretty much the same - stretching/warm up, basic skills, advanced skills, strategy - always in that order. It doesn't make sense to talk strategy if the kids don't have the basic skills. Likewise, it is more important that the basic skills are mastered. Structuring practice properly allows for a continual building of skills, and successive use and practice of combinations of skills.
Don't be afraid to run the same drills, and say the same things all season long. This was the hallmark of Fred Kesley when he was running basketball camps where a young Chad learned his craft. I didn't give him much credit then, but it seems pretty logical now.