Thursday, April 30, 2009

Drill of the Day: Follow the Ball

This is a drill that works for basketball, football, and soccer... I'm sure there's some way it applies to baseball, but I haven't convinced myself of that yet.

Setup: Have the kids face you, and space themselves out. Explain the drill.

Activity: The coach moves the ball in one of 4 directions - left, right, up, or down. The kids follow by moving 2 quick steps in that direction (up is backward, down is forward). Adjust speed of movements to the age of the kids.

This one applies to pretty much all ages, and can be used to get the kids to focus on watching the ball and reacting to it. I've used it extensively in football this season, because we were having a problem tracking the ball on handoffs.

This one can be tiring for the kids, but it also can emphasize quickness and agility. To increase the intensity (for older kids - middle school+) - have the players use "happy feet" between movements.

Basic setup, simple drill... Good luck!

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