Monday, July 6, 2009

Dealing with Heat

It's the summer. I'm in Arizona. What's the first thing that comes to mind? one point on the drive home today, my car said it was 114 degrees outside. That's pretty hot. Probably too hot to be a child practicing sports outdoors...

Our league does not have indoor practice times available (still not sure why not, but we don't), so the only option is to practice outside. How do you balance the need for work with the dangers of the summer heat? As a coach, there's several things you can consider.

First of all, remember who you're dealing with. If you're like me, you have 5 year olds, or 7 year olds. Not high schoolers, not collegians. It's ok if they do a little less running, and a little less "conditioning". Focus on strategy during practice, and basic skill drills instead. Don't go "all out" or run at full speed. Everyone will understand.

If it's 110+, it's time to consider canceling practice. Under that, take lots of breaks to rest -and make sure the kids drink plenty of water. If anyone feels faint, "funny", or light-headed, make them sit out. I always have parents stick around at practice, so they can watch - and constantly evaluate their child. Sometimes it's hard to make sure all 8 or 9 on a team are being closely watched - having the parents there helps.

The one thing to keep in mind is if there's ever any doubt - don't do it. I suppose that's a good "life rule" - but it definitely applies to practice, particularly in the heat.

Stay cool.

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