Friday, August 7, 2009

When you need to change leagues...

There comes a time when good things come to an end. ...and sometimes, that means you have the need to change sports leagues for your child. This could be for many reasons...
  • You're moving
  • The kid outgrew the old league
  • You're changing sports
Or, the league is no longer meeting your needs and expectations. That's the problem I have. For many years, we have been running our kids through the current program each season. Started with the oldest, and now with the middle - and planned to have the youngest there too. But then things got weird.

Instead of "regular" games, we have "tournament-style" games, where you play little mini games, and a bunch of them - instead of 1 game, or the occasional double-header. Instead of pre-announcing the schedule at the beginning of the season, we go crazy on Friday or Saturday morning figuring out game times. Sound confusing? It's not the half of it.

I've been coaching my kids in parallel all season. Those in charge of the schedule are well aware of this - and, of course, they "value their volunteer coaches". Like hell. I can count how many weeks my kids games haven't overlapped (and there's no need for them to...) - 1. Exactly 1. If all of that weren't enough, the guys running the clock are confused, and the refs assigned to the 8-9 year-old basketball games have been marginal. Ok, so they've gotten way better, especially lately, but still...

Thinking back to when we first started, there was a time we were changing sports directors like we changed socks... almost on a season-by-season basis. Even that was probably better. So, perhaps we'll try a different route for the fall sports.

It is truly unfortunate when adults ruin kids sports - through whatever behaviors, bureaucracy, or what have you. Maybe the kids should run their own leagues?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Structure of Practice

I was watching a little NFL Network tonight, and of course it's Training Camp season... The commentators were dissecting the practices of several teams, and they made a good point.

Practices are structured to move from the individual drills to the full-team drills and work. This allows the coach to stress individual skills (and fundamentals - imagine that), and the player to work and concentrate on the mechanics of particular skills. From there, the next set of drills might be small group drills, or offensive or defensive-specific work. Moving to the small group allows for more repetition, but in a more realistic setting.

Saving the full team drills or a scrimmage for the end makes sense - this is where everything can come together, whether it's offense against defense, full-court, full speed, etc. By this point, the players have had the maximum amount of time to work on their own - and it is now their time to shine. Usually, the full team drills are also what the kids look forward to most. If you started with them, you might see less effort as practice went on instead of more.

Good luck!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Summer Sports

Hello again. I've been distracted a bit lately with other things, but it's time to get back to writing about kids and sports. Today's topic: Sports leagues in the summer: To Play, or Not To Play?

Summer is a unique time of the year... school is out, families go on vacations, and the weather is nice - unless you're in Arizona, where it's sunny but brutally hot. Do you enroll your kids in sports for the summer season, or not?

On the "Yes" side of the argument... it's good for the kids to keep playing - it gives them less of a chance to forget the rules or skills of a particular game. It obviously also exposes them to more practice time... It could also mean a chance to try a different sport. Luckily, here in Phoenix we do get to play sports indoors - but weather could always be a factor - whether heat or storms, depending on your location.

On the "No" side of the argument... not nearly as many kids play in the summer, sometimes creating weird scheduling issues for the league. There's also a lot of missed practices, and missed games due to vacations and such - putting the coach in the tough spot of trying to juggle and cover for the games or practices. The level of coaching also tends to be a little poorer, sometimes resulting in less competitive games.

I think it's great to have the kids playing - even in summer. But, if you're planning a long vacation, or just want to take a break - summer may be that time of year where it's "ok" to sit out for the season. But if that's the case, be sure to throw the soccer ball in the back of the van, or make sure to take the football to the beach. After all, fall is right around the corner.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Off the court frustration...

It is a challenging enough job to get a team of kids together to play as a team in a sport. There's a lot to do - learn the rules, teach the basic skills, teach strategy... Realistically, everything only comes together after the first few games, if that early. If you've hit your stride by the middle or end of the season, that's not so bad.

So what happens when the league you're playing in takes some liberties with the schedule and the format of the games. Liberties like, "it's always been a certain way, and now everything is totally different"... And not just before the season - during the season! First the games are 12 minutes, then they're 8, then they're 12 again, and now there's 4 and not 5. Wow.

This type of situation falls into those buckets where you may have to just throw your hands up. There are things you can control, things you cannot, and then things that just irritate you to no end. This could easily be either of the latter two, or both. Sometimes, league officials may be influenced, and see the light. Other times they will not. In these situations, it is difficult - but likely the best course of action is to roll with the flow as much as possible. Keep in mind, youth sports are about the kids, and having them learn and enjoy the sport in a positive way. It is not about parents, adults, or league officials getting their air time. As a coach, you can very much influence the tone of the practices and games which - despite what else may be happening - can mean all the difference.

I say all of this, and I hope I mean it...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Enforcing Rules

I was looking back on the post from May 4th (Titled "Rules")... I smiled to myself at the Big Lebowski reference - and here's that topic again. Rules.

This time, though - when is the right age to start enforcing the rules during a game? We're about mid-season now with the basketball and soccer teams this summer, and that question is front and center. Not for the 5-year-old soccer league - where they've been doing great. ...except for the one team which likes to try to slide in front of other players... The issue is the 8 and 9 year olds playing basketball.

In basketball, there are a lot of rules. Not a lot like baseball, but quite a few. Traveling, double-dribble, and then a bunch that are a lot more picky - 5 seconds, over-and-back - not to mention fouls. About this age, most leagues start to enforce the rules - resulting in turnovers or free throws... This is a good thing - the kids are old enough to start to follow the rules, and the games look more like "real" games.

All works well, until different "refs" work the games each week, and call wildly different games. Is it so hard to have some consistency - and some basic guidelines? I'm not talking about calling things to the letter - but if someone takes more than 2-3 steps... that's traveling when you're 8. If you're dribbling with 2 hands, or constantly picking up your dribble and restarting, that's double-dribbling.

Why? At this age, cheating actually gets you somewhere. Look how fast you can be if you don't need to dribble - or if you can pick up the ball whenever you want. And if not now, when? Some schools start playing competitively in 5th grade, and I know traveling teams start in the 3rd and 4th grades...

My apologies for the rambling this time. If your son or daughter is 8 - or older - and their games don't begin to resemble "real" games... it's time to ask questions.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


I think sports teach many lessons. Some will be valuable as the players or coaches move along and face increasingly talented competition. Some are really life lessons, that translate well into a bunch of other situations. Of course a few are both.

One of the lessons sports taught me was commitment. When I was a youngling, Mom and Dad always let me go out for pretty much whatever sports I wanted. I was always excited about the seasons, and usually had no problem motivating myself to get ready for practices and games. But sometimes, during the middle of the season, or after a bad game, it was tempting to take a step back. I was reminded that I had signed up (and they paid "good money") to play, and that it was my obligation to do so.

When you join a team, you've taken on a task - a job. It's your job to learn your role, practice it, and go out and execute to the best of your ability. Now, there's a lot that goes into this for a 5-year-old... Mom and Dad have to make sure they have equipment, and drive them to practice, and sign the waiver... but, that said, once the administrative stuff is taken care of, and the season starts - the coach and the team are counting on everyone to do their best. It is not acceptable - save extenuating circumstances - to quit. In doing so, you let down your team and everyone associated with it.

Sport should always be treated as such - as a game, as competition. Naturally, that is fairly light-hearted and free... but... when you've decided organized sport is for you, there is some level of expectation. You expect the coach to be present, teach, and reinforce concepts. You expect the league to provide facilities. And the player is expected to play - at least to the best of their abilities that day. Being part of the team - counting on and being counted on - is one of those things you can apply daily. It's a bad thing when the lack of commitment impacts sport - or worse, life.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The forgotten joys of "Turnaround"

One of my favorite soccer drills is "turnaround".

As the name implies, the kids start out dribbling the ball, and then when the whistle blows, they stop the ball and turn it around. This is not the first time I've discussed this drill - nor will it be the last - since it is probably one of the most useful things I do at practice with the 4-6 year olds.

I was amazed at the enthusiasm the kids had for this drill in the heat. They think it's funny when you blow the whistle (when normal people would be yelling back at you!)... The benefits, of course, are many. First, you're able to yell "turnaround" in a game, and they all know what to do. It also reinforces stopping skills, and keeping the ball under control and close by for a quick change of direction.

After seeing this wonderful drill tonight at practice, I felt it deserved a mention. Again.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Dealing with Heat

It's the summer. I'm in Arizona. What's the first thing that comes to mind? one point on the drive home today, my car said it was 114 degrees outside. That's pretty hot. Probably too hot to be a child practicing sports outdoors...

Our league does not have indoor practice times available (still not sure why not, but we don't), so the only option is to practice outside. How do you balance the need for work with the dangers of the summer heat? As a coach, there's several things you can consider.

First of all, remember who you're dealing with. If you're like me, you have 5 year olds, or 7 year olds. Not high schoolers, not collegians. It's ok if they do a little less running, and a little less "conditioning". Focus on strategy during practice, and basic skill drills instead. Don't go "all out" or run at full speed. Everyone will understand.

If it's 110+, it's time to consider canceling practice. Under that, take lots of breaks to rest -and make sure the kids drink plenty of water. If anyone feels faint, "funny", or light-headed, make them sit out. I always have parents stick around at practice, so they can watch - and constantly evaluate their child. Sometimes it's hard to make sure all 8 or 9 on a team are being closely watched - having the parents there helps.

The one thing to keep in mind is if there's ever any doubt - don't do it. I suppose that's a good "life rule" - but it definitely applies to practice, particularly in the heat.

Stay cool.

Friday, July 3, 2009


Back from a nice and somewhat relaxing vacation back to Wisconsin...

One of the things I try to do during a season is to repeat things. I say the same things, I run the same drills, we run the same plays... This is not because I am unimaginative, but rather it reinforces ideas, concepts, and skills. For the same reason kids practice vowel sounds and math facts over and over again, so it is that they can benefit from the same in sport.

Routine is part of the process. All of the practices are pretty much the same - stretching/warm up, basic skills, advanced skills, strategy - always in that order. It doesn't make sense to talk strategy if the kids don't have the basic skills. Likewise, it is more important that the basic skills are mastered. Structuring practice properly allows for a continual building of skills, and successive use and practice of combinations of skills.

Don't be afraid to run the same drills, and say the same things all season long. This was the hallmark of Fred Kesley when he was running basketball camps where a young Chad learned his craft. I didn't give him much credit then, but it seems pretty logical now.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


This is the flip-side of bye weeks.

Sometimes league directors will schedule double headers in lieu of having bye weeks for leagues with an uneven amount of teams. This can be stressful and very tiring at any level, but it can be particularly so for the younger athletes.

There are several strategies available to you as coach. You can "coast", "load", or "spread". First, let's talk about coasting. The coasting strategy basically admits that your kids probably won't be able to handle two games, so you're doing whatever you can to get through it. In my opinion, this is the worst of the three options, but it is viable, and as such it's listed. With this strategy, you probably also have a glum attitude toward the double-header week... Regardless, do the best you can, and move forward to fight another day. I'll save the in-depth explanations in an effort to steer you toward either loading or spreading...

In loading, you basically gear up to play your absolute best during the first game, and then taking whatever's left in the second game (mini-coasting). Honestly, when you're 6 or 7, usually one game is a lot - so there's no shame in doing this. Typically, the second team you play will understand the situation, and you can work together if your kids run out of gas... The loading strategy typically yields good results due to peer pressure - a few of the kids will still have energy for game two, and the rest of the team can sometimes be convinced that they then also have energy. Either way, you get at least one solid game out of your team - and that's enough to build on going into the next round of games.

For the spread strategy, prepare your team to play two full games. You may adjust practice slightly to focus on more endurance-related skills. You might also play a deeper rotation - or be sure to get everyone solid minutes in rotation to keep them fresher... This varies by sport, and can be fairly easy or difficult to pull off depending on your particular team. I like this strategy for the older kids - 8, 9 - but the 5-7's probably work better off the loading strategy.

Since double headers will eventually be part of life - embrace them. Try loading or spreading to ensure your team has solid game experience to build on for next time.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Bye Weeks

Inevitably, there will be a season where you're in a league with an odd number of teams - this can lead to either double-headers, or bye weeks. Bye weeks are those times when you are not scheduled to face an opponent, for those who may not have understood the term.

I have never been a fan of bye weeks. Not in the pros, and certainly not in youth sports. It seems that kids thrive on a regular schedule... you've probably noticed this - they get used to bed time, going to school, etc. Bye weeks break the normal schedule of sport.

During the last soccer season when we had a bye, we went ahead and showed up anyway - and played a scrimmage within our team. I typically will run a regular practice during a bye week, and - as with the soccer league - sometimes try to get in a scrimmage to keep the kids used to the competition. If your team is competitive in the league, the scrimmage can fine-tune the skills in a game-like environment. If your team is not as competitive, the extra work may encourage them, and perhaps give them a better chance the following week.

You'll have to deal with the dreaded bye week at some point. Make the most of them, and use them to keep the pace as normal as possible for the team.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day...

Good evening - Happy Father's Day.

Like the Mother's Day post, this one is going to be a little bit reflective. One of the reasons I've been writing this blog is to provide a place for potential coaches to look for information - and maybe inspiration. I assume many of those potential coaches would be dads...

If you haven't experienced coaching your kids, it is a great experience. Of course, it can be tough, too, because your child may not always be the best on the team, and might not always be as successful as you'd like. Consider that in the big picture of life... I can't explain how it feels when they look you in the eye with so much excitement and enthusiasm for the game they're playing... sometimes it's literally for no other reason than you're out there on the field with them.

I have talked to many, many other parents who have coached their kids - nearly all have shared in this same experience. If your motivation is to help, support, motivate, and teach - I think you'd be hard-pressed to fail. That said, I would suggest understanding the game, knowing the rules, and knowing how the league is structured before you leap. It's best to have your "what am I doing" moment prior to the first game...

But back to the point... Dads, be there for your kids. They'll love it, and it will mean more to them than you'll know. As a bonus, you'll feel great.

Happy coaching.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


As a head coach, it's likely you won't be able to do everything by yourself... coach games, coach in practice, handle all the communications... At some point, you'll consider or take on assistants. This is an important decision.

Consider your values, style, and goals for the team, and ensure that an assistant will complement your vision. An assistant should be willing and able to support your efforts, and provide good and honest feedback to help shape the direction of the team. The assistant should be someone you trust - not that you've necessarily known the person a long time, but you should have at least had a good conversation about their motivations, experience, and passion (or not) for coaching the kids in the sport.

Practically, an assistant will help during practice - maybe running some drills, or providing individual help. They may coordinate communication with parents (snacks, announcements, etc). Assistants may also help coach during games - especially if you're unable to make a game or two during the season. An assistant should hopefully be an extension of yourself...

Remember, an assistant is not a substitute or proxy for your coaching and guidance for the team. As a head coach, you're responsible, and you have to be in control. Assistant coach(es) should be one source of support in achieving your goals.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Kicking the ball seems pretty simple - a basic part of soccer.

But have you noticed how it seems like some kids can kick the ball straight (or where they want to), and some struggle? I've taken to teaching the younger set (4-6) how to kick with the inside of their foot. Now, we don't spend lots of time working on drills for kicking mechanics, but I work it into the drills, and mention it constantly. Why is it easier to kick with the inside of the foot? It's flatter, and the surface area is greater. Simple physics? ...mostly, and that equals better control of the ball, and more consistent kicking.

Another key is to have the kids stop the ball before kicking it. When kicking a moving ball, it's very difficult to get it to go where you want it. Kicking a stationary ball (when possible) allows for proper kicking form, and a known starting point.

I guess the message here is that it's never a bad time to mention good fundamentals - even if they seem basic and simple...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

To scrimmage or not to scrimmage...

I'm not a huge fan of scrimmaging during practice for the under-8 set.

Why? I feel like it takes away time we'd other wise spend on fundamentals. The basic skills are essential for young players. Not only do they learn to do things, and do them well early - it gives them the best chance to work on those skills later through their careers.

There is nothing inherently wrong with scrimmaging, especially for a few minutes at the end of practice. It does actually provide a little glimpse of how the game evolves - hopefully leading to the kids being more comfortable and less scared when it "counts". But at this age, scrimmages can get out of control, and if the kids aren't actually applying the skills they should, it could be worse than not practicing at all.

There are several drills in each sport which you could run to provide "game experience" in lieu of a full-on up-and-down scrimmage. But if you do try an actual scrimmage, consider stopping it at key points (turnovers, great plays, bad plays, etc) for a teaching moment. This is a great time to point out good things, bad things, and what the alternative might have looked like.

It may make sense to run some small scrimmages later in the season - especially if your players have gotten the drills and basics down. Still, don't just switch to scrimmages because you don't have any more drills to run. That would be a WRONG reason.

Good luck!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Bonus: Practice FIRST

We had our first basketball practice tonight for my son's team (3rd and 4th grade basketball).

Games start next Saturday, so we'll get 2 practices in before the first game. This is ideal. It's always a must to get in at least 1 practice before the first game - if nothing else, to discuss the absolute basics (and learn names)... But having 2 will be great.

Tonight, we got to see some of the raw skills - who can dribble, who can pass, who can shoot... We're not in bad shape! But next week, we'll work to refine those skills a bit, make sure we talk about what to do and when to do it, and get the basic schemes down.

I'm curious to see how things will work with the 8 and 9 year-olds. It's been a while since I've worked with this age group. It will be exciting.


Back from the trip to Austin, ready for more blogging...

One of the most important things for me is to learn everyone's name. I'm not good at this, and I frequently use the wrong names at first, but quickly I am able to put faces with names.

There's probably been a billion studies on calling people by their names and the benefits vs. the alternative (hey you?!).

As a coach, you command more authority when you know people's names. You also make your team members feel important, and wanted. It is easier to praise, easier to encourage, and easier to critique and coach when you're on a first-name basis. This also allows other parents to learn kids' names as well, because they hear them more often.

I don't have any memory games, or any tips or tricks for doing it... Sorry - that's probably another blog. But the benefits of knowing names (hopefully by the end of the first practice - which is BEFORE the first game) are many.

Happy coaching.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Scheduling Practices

Why a post on scheduling practice?  I've talked about practice before, but scheduling practice is more involved than you think...

There's lots of things to consider.  First, there's the venue - where will you practice?  What constraints are there on time?  Daylight?  Second, how will the venue support what you'd like to do - are there enough nets?  Hoops?  Is the court, field, or diamond in good repair and maintained?  

Once all that is decided - what day and what time will you practice?  Is it the same each week?  How long will the practice last?  This must all be balanced with your availability, but also that of your assistants, and also all of the players (and parents).  Fun stuff.

Getting the practice thing right is the first step toward a good season.  Practice is important, for sure, and you need as many of the players attending as many of the sessions as possible.  It's also ideal to select a place that will suit your practices.

For the athletes under 8 years old, it's likely sufficient to have 1 practice per week, lasting between 30-60 minutes.  This is where planning, preparation, and execution come in to make your practice all it needs to be.

Good luck.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Interesting Dribble Drill

One of the unique things to try with 7-8 year olds is to have them dribble 2 basketballs at once.  At this age, the kids are used to dribbling, and using both hands.  Now is the time to introduce dribbling with BOTH hands.  


It will be natural for the kids to favor their strong hand.  This drill not only works both hands, and the muscles that go along with it - but it also makes the kids concentrate.  Try it yourself - it's pretty difficult to keep both balls going under control.  If you've mastered the static dribble (in one place), try moving around...  

You will find that the kids enjoy this drill, because it's fun, and can be very funny to watch.  In a practice where each kid has their own ball, you can have half the team run while the other half dribbles, then switch.  If anyone gets good at the drill, you can have them try to bounce the balls at different heights, or bounce them independently (not in synch).

If this drill doesn't go well at first, try it again later on.  The kids should obviously be pretty comfortable with standard dribbling drills first.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

In the Zone

Zone defense is a key tool in sports.  What is it, and is it a good option for the young kids?

While playing zone defense, the defensive player guards a space or area instead of a particular opponent.  This is different than a man-to-man defense, where a defensive player guards a particular opponent.  One of the main advantages of zone defense is that it can be "simpler" to implement, and it is a different look, which may confuse some teams in some sports.

Zone defense is an option in basketball, football, and soccer.  In a previous post, I talked a little bit about implementing a functional soccer defense...  This is not necessarily a "zone" scheme, more of a reacting-to-the-ball scheme...  but it is certainly more zone than man-to-man.  It may be better to avoid man-to-man defense because offense and defense are inter-twined in soccer, and if you're playing man-to-man defense, it's likely that the defenders will be closer when your team has the ball.

For flag football, I completely advocate zone defense for the young (and old!).  Why?  It is difficult for young defenders to keep up with receivers, given the options of running and passing, and the different schemes that can be used by offense to confuse the defense.  I've found that defenders tend to be in better position if they are in an area, and then react as the ball is played.  There's probably a whole post on this...

For basketball, I know there's a whole post on defense.  I suggest man-to-man in this case.  It is easier for the kids to understand finding their "man" and standing between their man and the basket than it is for them to remember which area they have and how to react appropriately.  So - 3 different sports, 3 different strategies?  Yes.  And for good reason.

I encourage you to experiment on your own, and go with what works for your team... 

Monday, June 1, 2009

Be Prepared

Not like in the Boy Scouts or anything like that... well, on second thought - maybe like that. There will be some tangible, Earthly goods that will make your coaching gig significantly easier. Here's the breakdown, by sport...

Soccer: I always buy my own soccer ball to use at practices (and during games when necessary). This way, you can easily demonstrate a drill without constantly borrowing Little Sally's ball. You can also participate in the drills with the kids, which they enjoy. Another essential thing is a set of 4 or 8 small cones. These are the little orange or brightly-colored ones in any store for like $2. They are invaluable for setting up boundaries, obstacles, or marking spots on the field. I'd also suggest buying your own goal (or two). They have collapsible ones now, which are pretty nice. These are a little more money, but the advantage is you'll always have a goal to shoot at or defend wherever you practice.

Football: First thing here is also a ball - for both practice and the games. Get the right size, of course, and make sure it's made of good, durable material - preferably other than rubber. Do they still make those? I remember those from when I was a kid... Next thing you'll need is the cones (see above). If the league doesn't provide them, also buy yourself a set of flags - 1 set per player, probably 1-2 extra sets. Nothing worse than not being able to practice basic offense or flag pulling 'cuz you don't have any...

Basketball: Ball. For this, you can go with the youth size - especially if you're coaching your own kid. Otherwise, you could choose to get the full-sized ball for yourself in demonstrations... Cones are ok here, but not necessary - you can use court markings for drills and boundaries unless you're on a random hunk of asphalt... It doesn't really make sense to buy your own hoops here - use those in a gym, park, or school (or your own home, if you're so inclined) - but hoops are large, bulky, difficult to transport, and I consider the portable ones to be somewhat dangerous.

Baseball: Buy several "tee-ball" or soft-core baseballs. At least 5-6. They'll get lost, too, but you'll always be using all you have. I'd suggest owning your own glove - especially in coached pitched leagues where you have good players. Those liners come back fast - "soft-core" or not... I'd suggest having at least 1 good aluminum bat for you (practice) and the team. It's also not a bad idea to carry around your own rubber or plastic bases. This makes your practice more portable. Baseball hat and sunglasses help in sunny weather, too. You'll be surprised how small that ball is when you're looking for it in the air...

General things you should have include a stopwatch, whistle, and marker-board. The marker-board is usually in the form of a clipboard, but it's great for diagramming plays or for drawing out a drill.

With all of your gear, you may look like a pack mule, but you'll be ready - and eliminate some of your needless hassles.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Almost everyone has an opinion about what sports to play, when to play them, and for how long. Over the last few years, I've seen many kids, many skillsets, and heard many parents' views.

Even at 7 and 8 years old, it is too early to be thinking about college scholarships and pro careers. Some will disagree (some will disagree vehemently), and that's ok. But if you're still forming your opinion, consider the benefits of enrolling your youngster in multiple sports over the first few years. Keep in mind - this isn't necessarily multiple sports at once... these kids have a hard enough time concentrating on one skillset at a time - they don't particularly benefit from having 2... or 3... to think about.

The most obvious benefit is that they gain some knowledge and experience in multiple sports. Maybe they're really good at baseball, but have a passion for football? I'm no child development expert - but it's logical to think that this could lead to a successful and rewarding pursuit of football as the child matures...

Variety also helps multiple skills develop over time. The most important thing is the general development of coordination between brain and body. Different sports and different movements give different muscles a chance to mature. The mind learns the various rules of the different sports, and finds it easier to learn new sports (and perform fairly well at them) later in life.

You're not a bad parent if you want your kid to stick to one sport. Or, if your son or daughter really really likes soccer or whatever - and doesn't want to play anything else - you don't have to force them, but they may not know what they're missing.

Don't be afraid to change things up. It can be a good thing.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lessons Learned in 1 month of blogging

I looked back and it appears that May 24th would have been my 1-month blog anniversary, if there is such a thing.  Sounds kinda silly, but I feel like I've already gone through a lot of material.  This is good - because now it's out of my head and out for others.  

I've had a lot of positive feedback from friends, parents of kids I've coached, and even people I haven't known up until now.  I'm happy that so many other people are interested in coaching, and in coaching WELL.  As I've said before (maybe?) - I coach for the kids.  It's nice to have a blog, and it's nice to be recognized by parents, but I'd rather have a bunch of happy kids enjoying the sport they're playing.

Blogging has been a great forum for creativity, and for expression.  I said I wasn't much of a diary person - and I'm probably still not - but getting all of the coaching info down somewhere makes me feel much better.  Now I'll have a place to look for it when I forget.  So far, I wouldn't really change a thing - other than, I think I still need a website.  But with times as they are, a bunch of my life is dedicated to work.  So I'll keep blogging, and planning the site with the hopes of executing on the ultimate vision someday.

Thanks for reading - hope it's been helpful, and maybe a bit entertaining?!  I'm sure there's plenty more to come.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Size Matters

Something that you may not really consider in coaching young kids is the size of the ball used in practice or the game.  Of course, this is a pretty big deal, and should be taken care of before the season so it's a non-issue.

For baseball, it's pretty standard - there's one size for baseballs.  But use the softer "tee balls" for tee ball and coach pitch leagues.  These still have an authentic baseball feel, but hurt way less when they hit legs, arms, and bodies.  The kids should use gloves that are proportional to their body and hand size.  For the 4 through 6-year-old set, a 9" or 9 1/2" glove is probably the best choice.  This will cover tee ball and perhaps the first coach pitched experience.  Ages 6-7 should probably move up to a 10" glove - and from there, the size should move up as the child continues to grow.  Batting helmets should also be sized appropriately - snug, but not too tight.  I would recommend spending the $20-$30 to buy your child their own helmet.  This saves a lot of trouble for kids with larger or smaller heads, and also alleviates the need to use the often-nasty helmets provided by the league.

In soccer, a Size 3 ball is pretty standard for PK through the first or second grade.  This will make a lot of sense the first time you walk on the field and compare the larger, competition balls with the smaller Size 3's.  The Size 5 ball will feel like a boulder compared to the 3.  Unlike baseball, where equipment can be expensive, a soccer ball is usually around $10-$15, and it's best for each kid to have their own.

For football, the under 8 set will be most comfortable with a "peewee" size ball.  This is pretty much the smallest legitimate-looking ball sold at most sporting good stores.  Keep in mind, though, that discount stores like Target and Wal-Mart also carry a decent selection of gear.  If you're child is playing tackle football under age 8 - first of all, be careful, and secondly consult the league and make sure your child has all of the proper equipment in the correct size.  Not much on that here - I'm a fan of flag football for the younger kids.  In either case, make sure you buy a properly-sized mouthguard.  These range in cost from $2-$30 (seriously).  I have always personally worn and used the $2 ones, but do your research and decide for yourself.  Keep in mind that you can usually trim the mouth guards to size, but it's difficult to add material back once you've made it too small...

If your child is playing basketball, be sure to check the rules for ball size, as different leagues will have different guidelines.  Through second grade, you'll probably use a "Youth" sized ball, which is smaller than a women's ball.  It is best to use the recommended size, as it will be easier for the kids to dribble and shoot - they'll also develop better technique that will stay with them as they grow (and move on to use larger balls.  

Understanding the equipment is another subtle key to success in youth sports.  Although there may be added cost, it's offset by performance on the field in practice and for games.

Good luck.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Defensive Strategy: Soccer

One of the key elements in coaching the 4-5 year olds in soccer is establishing which goal is which.  The concept of "our goal" and "their goal" is one of the most important things to discuss early in the season.  Call the goals what you'd like - so long as it is clear which one to kick the ball in, and which one to keep the ball out of...

After the kids understand which goal they're trying to kick the ball into, the next concept is to always try to kick the ball in that direction.  This can be confusing, because if they watch soccer matches in person or on TV - or maybe they see older kids playing - in those games players are kicking the ball every which way.  Clearly, these youngsters do not need to be so fancy as to be arbitrarily kicking the ball backwards at the opponent's goal.  To encourage directionality - I like to use a drill called Turnaround.  This drill literally involves dribbling the ball, and when I yell turnaround, the kids do a 180 and start going in the other direction.  This conditions them to repeat the same activity in the game (and this is a wonderful tool).

When the kids understand which goal is which, and can turn the ball around you're ready for the last step... guarding the goal.  Most leagues under 5 or 6 don't use goalies, so it's up to your team to plug the middle in front of the opponent's goal when the ball gets close.  I try to teach that the closest player to the ball attacks, and the others play between the ball and the goal in a straight line.  The astute among you might say, that's great, but you're leaving the passing lanes open.  This is true - and if a 5-year-old can make the pass to an open teammate on the wing for a goal, so be it.  The "plug the middle" strategy is very effective until the advent of goalies in the 6-7 year old leagues.

Good defense will lead to good offense - like it does in a lot of other situations.  The kids will respond well to the other team not scoring - especially if they are able to get a few goals...  Use defense as your key strategy to a successful season.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Blogger's vocabulary

I'm not sure if the powers that are Blogger read blogs created on their site...

Blogger has a ridiculously small vocabulary.  Words like "strategize"...  it's OBVIOUSLY mis-spelled, but no alternative is given.  Not even "strategery".  I'd suggest that expanding the spell checking capabilities so it includes more of the words people want to use is something the team should consider.


Happy Memorial Day.

I really enjoy some of the traditions my family has started, but one of my favorites is to head down to the Arizona State Capitol and look at all of the memorials and monuments.  It really puts things like sports in perspective.  Thanks to all of those who served.

Last week I had the chance to talk to a "consultant" - but not the kind named "Bob" who come to your office and look for efficiencies.  Pamela Brooks IS - as it turns out - a management consultant, but she's also interested in helping coaches understand the mental aspects of themselves, and of sports.  

One of the things that came out of the conversation with Pam - an experienced coach herself - was how much of sport is mental.  This point is self-evident, and we see examples all the time... only we may not realize it.  When my man Braylon Edwards drops a sure TD pass, surely that is not from an inability of his eyes to see the ball and for his hands to close around it.  When Eric Byrnes drops a sure out in the outfield - that is not because his glove has a hole in it, nor because he is incapable of squeezing the ball in his glove...

Why do pep talks (see related post) work?  ...or not?  Why does getting frustrated just make the next play that much worse (usually)?  I say this next statement only in relative terms - Humans are an intelligent species.  Our ability to think provides us tremendous advantage - sometimes, this includes an advantage over our opponents in athletic competition where we are not the best athlete.  This can also be a disadvantage - especially if you are frustrated, depressed, or mentally inferior to your opponent.  

What does this have to do with youth sports?  ...plenty.  It is the very reason feedback should be positive and constructive in the key formative years (up to around age 8).  It is then that young people are ready to compete and think more deeply about the game.  At this point, they begin to strategize, and find advantage.  

It is also occasion to discuss one of my collegiate roommate's favorite phrases - Mental Toughness.  This is everything from focusing on the game and nothing else to keeping your cool when a call goes against you.  The earlier kids can learn to concentrate on the game they are in, the better their chances of success.  Of course this can go to extremes, but we'll focus on the positive for now.

Pam probably provided content for 2-3 more posts...  but for now, consider not just the physical part of youth team sports - but also the mental.  How kids think about sports directly impacts their performance on the field and in the game.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Anatomy of a Practice: Basketball

I've used a few different formats for basketball practice, and it certainly varies with age.  For the very young (kindergarten) set, I typically focus on fundamentals for the first half to 2/3 of practice, and then talk a little about offense and defense.  The offense and defense portion literally is stuff like "here's our basket" and "stand between the person you're guarding and the basket" on defense.  There is very little strategy involved.

Practices for the kids as they get older are much the same, although the offensive and defensive portions get more sophisticated.  I always teach defense first - the kids work harder when they have offense to look forward to at the end of practice.  That, and if the other team can't score, they can't win...

So, what does a typical practice look like?

After stretching, the first 10-15 minutes is always ball fundamentals.  Speed dribble drills, crossover dribble drills, Butch Lee, etc.  For the older kids, you can begin to introduce behind-the-back and between-the-legs switches.  To do this before 8 or so though is kinda silly...

Next is either defensive work (agility drills or rebounding drills), and/or passing drills.  Passing drills always involve a partner, and sometimes involve a third person for defense.  Of course, Monkey in the Middle is also a possibility - even for the older kids.  

Now that the kids are getting a little tired, it's time for defense - defensive techniques and strategy.  Always teach man-to-man before zone defense.  More about defensive strategy details in a future post...  Unlike football, I think zone defense in basketball is a more difficult concept to master.  

Finally, it's time for offensive strategy and techniques.  I prefer to implement a "base" offense first, and then introduce set plays later - along with perhaps another base offense if you see a lot of different defenses (older kids).  You'll need at least 1 inbounds play to start the year, so keep that in mind (for older kids).  Offensive strategy - like defensive strategy, involves a lot of walking through first, then live action afterwards.  Obviously as the season goes along, there's less walking and more doing...

Practices shouldn't probably go more than 1/2 hour for the 5-6 set, and 45 minutes to an hour for the 7-8 year olds.  Good luck organizing your practice!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Everyone gets a trophy...

While sports for the under 8 crowd should be fun and competitive, in the end there should really be only winners, and not losers.  I've mentioned the bain of poor sportsmanship in earlier posts, but beyond that in this age group, it is about encouraging and rewarding effort.

If effort leads to excellent play, all the better - but when kids are learning, and trying, and having success...  this is what it's all about.  In some leagues, there are pizza parties at the end of the season.  Sometimes there's ribbons, or medals.  Personally, I think it's cool for the young kids to get trophies of some sort.  This is a tangible reminder to them of success, good times, and - hopefully - something they'd like to try again.

I know actual trophies can be expensive, but there are bargains to be had for as little as $4-$5 per child - even less for medals and ribbons.  Parents are usually willing to pitch in.  Of course, this should be a team decision - with all kids being rewarded equally.  I have always loved to see the glow on the kids' faces when they come up to get their trophy - always smiling, always proud of what they'd accomplished - even if that was only a bit more than last season.

If you're in the Phoenix area, I recommend considering Ahwatukee Trophies and Awards, LLC - .   They're located near 50th Street and Warner Rd.  They carry everything you can imagine in a variety of price ranges.  I've been using them for awards for several years now - always on-time, never even a mis-spelled name.  

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


One of the most important parts of game day for the 4-7 year old set comes after the game is finished... snacks!  I fondly remember snacks after games I played as a kid - soda (full cans, with sugar), cookies, candy.  What were those parents thinking?!

Today, of course, much more is known about nutrition, and there are simply more choices available.  Fruit (oranges, bananas, etc) is an excellent choice.  Another good choice is cereal or granola bars.  All of these are easy to eat, and not horribly messy.  Crackers and cookies - especially in the small, individual packs are also not bad.  Although I haven't seen a lot of these in a while, bad choices would include cupcakes, donuts, and candy bars.  All are messy, and not particularly healthy.

For drinks, there are several great options.  Water is always safe, but most kids drink a lot of water during the game.  Apparently there's also flavored water in little boxes especially for kids too - that's a cool idea.  Obviously, Gatorade, Powerade, Vitamin Water, and all the various other sports drinks are just fine, and many have the small bottles.  Other juice boxes and pouches like Capri Sun also work very well.  As it turns out, soda isn't a great choice...  who knew?

Snack time is an opportunity to reinforce excellent habits.  Athletes must take care of their bodies, and whether or not Little Jimmy goes on to play more sports in the future, eating good and healthy snacks - especially after exercise - sends a good message.

Encourage parents to self-organize for snacks, or keep a snack schedule.  The schedule works well, because families can plan ahead, watching for sales.  I'll typically confirm the schedule a few times throughout the year so everyone knows their date.  I'm not great at reminding people, and I suppose I've been lucky more often than not.  

Another thing to keep in mind is that sometimes the players have younger siblings who enjoy taking part in the snacks as well...  it's great to try to accommodate this, but it should be a "team rule" so there's not a lot of confusion each week.  

And, of course, the coach should have a snack after a rough game :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Practice Facilities

Hopefully you are lucky, and you're associated with a program that has adequate practice facilities for you and your team to use at a reasonable hour, and at a cheap price (or free). If so, go ahead and spend some time looking over some of the outstanding prior blog posts :)

Assuming you're among the majority of coaches leading the younger kids, you do not have a practice facility provided, and must seek one out. This can be more difficult than it seems, what with our litigious society, and many people looking only to their own liability exposure.

What do you need in a place to practice? This depends on the sport, of course. For football, just about any open space will do, provided there's some room to run. Parks, schoolyards, open lots likely all do fine - watch out for rocks and large divots and holes. Pretty much the same is true for soccer, although if the grass is to tall it may impact soccer more than football. For tee ball and coach-pitch baseball, a diamond is a luxury - but again, most any space will do (unless you have big sluggers). When you get into Little League, and into the 6-7 year-old range, it's getting to the point where a diamond with an appropriate backstop is the only option.

Basketball can be a little tricky - especially for the very young kids (up through 7). At these ages, it is typical to use a 6-foot or 8-foot hoop. Some schoolyards, and even some parks have these lower hoops in place, but many do not because of vandalism or mis-use. There are special attachments that can be made to standard hoops, but these typically require a ladder and some tools. When hoops aren't readily available, I have run practice without shooting. Surprisingly, many kids who play basketball understand very clearly that the goal is to shoot the ball in the basket... Let this work to your advantage, and focus on dribbling, passing, and defense instead. If you go the basket-less approach - be sure to get some shooting in before the game if you can.

All practice facilities should be in good repair, and yes, you should ask permission first. At a park, you're likely hassle-free unless something else is scheduled... schools are typically accommodating (especially outdoors), but can be a bit trickier at times.

Once you've found a good place - stick with it. You might even see what you can do to keep the fields or courts in order, or volunteer to help when funds are needed for repairs or rebuilding. Above all - treat practice as an important part of the sporting experience. It surely is.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pep Talks

My thoughts on this one might surprise you...

Pep talks (the "good" ones at least) really don't work on the younger kids.  It's not even worth your time, don't bother.  Huh?!  No... really.  Up to age 7 or 8, all the kids really care about is going out and playing.  There's so much information swirling around in their heads about what to do, when to do it, and how to do it, that there's just not capacity to get fired up enough to "beat" the other team.

For a while, I ignored this discovered truism and thought I could somehow inspire excellence by providing a stirring "Win one for the Gipper"-type oration.  Nah.  I'm sure it sounded good, and the other parents were ready to go out and get at 'em (I can hope), but the kids looked exactly the same after the speech as before...  there were even a few times when I got questions immediately after the speech about random stuff - sometimes game related, sometimes not.

It might surprise you to find out that I'm an over-communicator.  As such, pep talks not working was quite a problem.  Luckily, all is not lost.  The younger kids do seem to respond to basic, positive reinforcement - "Go out and do your best", "Just like we did in practice", "Don't worry about the last play", etc.  All of these somewhat generic, yet positive messages seem to focus the young players on what they're supposed to do, and they seem to inspire confidence.

At age 8 or so, all of this begins to change.  Some of the players have become very competitive by this point, and have mastered the basics.  They are now looking for motivation to go out and achieve, and to win.  This age opens a whole new era, a challenge all its own.

There's no harm in pulling out your best Dean Smith or Bear Bryant for the 5-year-olds... just keep your perspective when Little Sally listens intently, but then says "I have to go to the bathroom". 

Friday, May 15, 2009

Skill of the Day: The Triple Threat Position

The triple threat position is one of the basketball fundamentals that should be taught to all kids at an early age.  It is really nothing more than getting the ball in position to either shoot, dribble, or pass.  However, once this skill is learned, the player becomes much more complete on offense, and more consistent.

The ideal triple threat posture is to hold the ball with both hands in the middle of the body just below the chin.  Most often, the player's feet are positioned so that a quick shot could be taken (dominant foot slightly in front).

There are a few specific drills you can run to reinforce the technique, but I find its better to teach the technique, and then work it in to other ball-handling, shooting, and passing drills.  Each time a player receives the ball (rebound, pass, etc), they should get the ball to the middle of their body and prepare for a move in any direction.  After dribbling, this position allows the most flexibility for a pass or a shot.

If your team is having a lot of turnovers - especially from steals - working on the triple threat position may help keep the ball controlled on offense.  Another benefit is in teaching shooting technique - if you start from the triple threat, the young player's shot is often much more consistent.

The kids may find this slightly awkward at the beginning - but if you watch a college or pro basketball game closely, almost all players use this technique.  It's an excellent habit to start.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Picking Your Coach

Is it better to pick your coach, or "get who you get" in a league?

Obviously, it depends on the coach.  Assuming the known (picking your coach) is usually better than the unknown, you should know why you're picking the coach.  

There are many reasons to pick, or not pick, a particular coach.  Hopefully the "good" reasons involve reputation, experience, knowledge of the game, the coaches' demeanor with kids...  Any or all of these would be excellent reasons to try and get on a team with a particular coach.  But what if you're picking your coach because they're your neighbor, or your kid plays with their kid?

Although it may be comfortable to choose a coach based on a relationship (vs. coaching credentials), consider if this choice is accomplishing your goals - and your child's goals.  I haven't talked a lot about goals yet, but I'm a huge believer in setting out and doing things for a particular goal.  If your goal is to get your kid involved, have them run around and have some fun with friends - then there's likely little harm in selecting a coach you know - regardless of their coaching resume.  But if you're more interested in the instruction, and having your child learn the game and learn skills, pick a coach carefully.

Despite being a friend, the inexperienced but familiar coach might not be right for your goals in this case.  It might be better to ask around at school or work to see if anyone knows an experienced coach who could teach your son or daughter the game and the skills required more ably.  Of course, this decision could strain relationships and hurt feelings.  It might not be right for everyone.

There's no right or wrong answer here, but your child's coach is an important key to their success (and potentially your happiness) in a sport.  Keep your goals in mind when choosing to join a team...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Right Hand, Left Hand?

It took me by surprise the first time I had a left-handed child on my team.  Not that this was shocking, and it wasn't that I'd never seen anyone who was left-handed...  I just wasn't ready for that.  If you're coaching soccer, this is largely a non-issue, because the kids will kick how they kick...  but for the other sports, clearly it's a different story.

Throwing a baseball or football left-handed is largely the same as throwing right handed.  The mechanics are all the same, just on the other side.  Point, step (with the proper foot), then throw...  But - for me at least - teaching kids to shoot a basketball left-handed has always brought me a special challenge.  In a future post, I'm sure I'll get to the "L" and proper basketball shooting form...  regardless "how" you shoot a basketball - I challenge you to try it with your off-hand.  

It is vital to recognize who is left-handed, and aside from setting up drills accordingly - pay special attention to shooting form.  This is the best age to start stressing "proper form" - even though many younger kids have no option other than the push-shot to get the ball anywhere near a 10-foot hoop.  Even if they need to improvise during the game, there's a lot of value in stressing the right form during practices.  As the kids grow, they will develop a more consistent shot, and therefore be more successful over the long-term when playing basketball.

After you've set your mind to shooting with your off-hand for the sake of teaching, I'm sure you'll find that you're in excellent position to adjust to all of the kids - regardless of which hand they prefer.  

Monday, May 11, 2009


Baseball is different.

This isn't a bad thing, but it's important to remember as you begin your career as the manager of a tee-ball, coach-pitched, or even Little League team. Unlike some of the other sports, there aren't that many "individual" drills you can do at practice. Of course, you can run through fielding drills, throwing drills, and batting practice - but all involve at least 2, if not more players. If you do set up "individual" drills - it's likely that a coach needs to be involved, so plan to have something for the other kids to do as they rotate in and out of the individual drill.

Luckily, at the younger ages, you'll be consumed with the very basic skills... soft toss is a staple at these practices. You'll be surprised at how just throwing the ball back and forth between kids can be quite interesting... Getting in front of a ground ball - and knocking it down - might be considered an achievement. But all of this stuff is pretty boring compared to hitting - that's where the action is at!! Don't get caught up with hitting mechanics just yet - it's really just about watching the ball and timing the bat to hit the ball...

At this age, the first thing I do in the first practice is talk about safety. Bats are in the fence all the time, unless someone takes one and is heading to the plate to hit. No practice swings, no warming up with the bat - unless you're at home plate. No throwing a ball, unless in a drill, playing a position, or otherwise told. Helmets should be worn when batting and running the bases, and everyone in the field - baserunners, fielders, and coaches - needs to watch the ball at all times.

Repetition is the key for baseball. You do the same stuff, and then you do more. Over time, your body will be trained how far the throw is from the hole at short to first base, and how quickly you need to swing to hit a high fastball. Practices in the later ages revolve more around strategy and refining technique (turning double plays, sliding, bunting - that kind of stuff).

Work in some of the rules when you can - this might be easier if you keep the same team together for a few seasons. Don't try to explain the infield fly rule to a first-grader - and if you do, don't get frustrated when they take off running on-contact...

Kids love baseball. Give it a try.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Moms and sports

Happy Mother's Day.

I'd like to divert a little bit from the general theme of the blog and focus a few sentences on the importance of mothers as it relates to youth sports.  Although there are far fewer women coaches (in the leagues we've played in) compared to men, I know that the moms have sought out the right program and sport, gotten recommendations, done research, signed the kid up, ordered the shirt, emailed the coach, gotten the kid to practice, rounded up the family to make the game, and then probably organized the end-of-year party for the team.  Without all of that, the kids wouldn't be playing at all...

And after doing all of that, who has time to coach?  Some dad swoops in, makes the kids run around with a ball for a half-hour during practice and 45 minutes during a game and he gets all the credit!  From the coach's side, I know my wife (and mother of my kids) is heavily involved - not only doing all the things I mentioned, but also creating much of the communication our team parents see, and dealing with all of the questions and issues that arise.  I make an effort to be as good as I can be, but without her "reminding" me of my obligations, I'd be completely ineffective. 

I see a lot of moms providing a lot of support for their kids - and other kids - whether through coaching or any of the supporting activities.   It matters.  And through those efforts, our kids will grow up to be more active, and be better people.  It's not always about the coach, or the coaching...  Kids need moms.  Ha... that's either really profound or just stupid.

So - moms - thanks for doing all you do in supporting your kids and their sports.  It's not always easy, it's not always convenient, and sometimes there's not much glory.  But it all matters, and your kids are better for it.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Role Models

I'm sure you can think back to your childhood and remember role models you had - whether it was Robin Yount, Joe Montana, or Betty Crocker... All of those, along with many others past and present, set a positive example for others to follow. It is these people who shape and inspire others to achieve, sometimes well above what their "talent" may have been.

But what about the ones who aren't such a positive example? Pete Rose, Barry Bonds, OJ Simpson... Manny Ramierez. I can think of about a dozen others right off the top of my head, too. How do you explain to a 7-year-old that their favorite player can't play for 50 games because he was cheating?

While it will always be important for kids - and all of us, probably - to admire others who are famous, and - apparently - good at what they do, it's important to set good examples right where we are. Sure, Manny is on TV a lot, and he hits like few others. And that hair is pretty cool. But he doesn't live in your house, or drive the kids to school, or take them out to Baskin Robbins. He can't take the time to show Little Bobby how to hit a curve ball, really.

As coaches and as parents - heck, as adults - it's our obligation to set good examples for our kids. In life. In sport.

It never fails that during a season we play the team of sore losers - what kind of coach allows this type of behavior if they're down a few runs, or can't seem to score a goal? The message SHOULD be to go out, try a little harder, and chip away at the lead. If you ultimately fail - congratulate the victors, and work harder in pratice for next time. What is the conversation is between the kids and the coaches and parents after a bad game compounded with bad sportsmanship... and what kind of adults do those kids become? When things don't go their way (didn't get the job, failed to qualify for the loan, etc) - do they sit and pout? Do they call the loan officer names?

Kids will imitate what they see and hear. If they get a truly positive message, and develop to drive to achieve, there's no stopping them. When they hit a bump in the road, they won't sulk, they'll seek out another way...

I'm not saying coaches are perfect - nor do they need to be. I don't know anyone who is. That's human. But to strive to do the right things, and to admit and explain when you have failed is really what a role model is. In that light, maybe Manny deserves another chance...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Following up on yesterday's post

It seems I didn't stress the "fun" in fundamentals enough yesterday.

Just because the kids are learning the basics doesn't mean it has to be boring... there are tons of great drills that you can do to teach the kids what they need, but also let them have some fun.  Typically, younger kids can handle a "serious" drill or two in a row.  After that, it's usually time for something a little more fun.  

What is fun?  Usually, "fun" involves some kind of competition or game (how many dribbles can you do in a row before you lose the ball, stuff like that).  In soccer, I'll race the kids to the fence - yes, they always win - but along the way, they are controlling the ball and learning agility.  ...of course, the older out-of-shape guy is pushing himself, but it's all in good fun.

Sometimes I'll let the kids pick a drill (later in the year, after they've been through a bunch of drills a few times).  This is always popular.  Laughing, smiling, giggling, are all good things to have at practice!

There.  I feel better.  Consider yesterday's post complete.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


One of the things I've noticed is that some coaches try really hard to be fancy. Fancy is not a bad thing, but it's not as effective when you haven't covered what's essential.

My first experience with this was a few years ago when my son was playing soccer. He was probably 5... The kids on the other team had the most amazing choreography on kickoff plays - making all kinds of bizarre moves, but not really accomplishing anything. As it turns out, they had plenty of time to do what they did on kickoffs, because they couldn't score or defend at all! Frankly, the kids really seemed to enjoy the little kickoff dance (as I named it in my head) - which is great, but was that really the best thing for the kids?

Since my first experience with coaching 15 years ago, I've seen the value in stressing the basics of the game. If you can't hit the ball, catch the ball, and make accurate throws, you will struggle with baseball - regardless of your knowledge of the infield fly rule. If you can't dribble a basketball, forget about a full court zone-trap press.

Coaching younger kids gives you a tremendous opportunity to make a huge difference. Not only is teaching fundamentals fairly easy, there is huge benefit. The kids will get frustrated running plays if they aren't able to perform the skills that are assumed in creating the strategy. The basics are different per sport, but here's my suggested foci (focuses? focus? ...I mentioned I really wasn't a writer - you were warned).

Basketball: Dribbling (with head up, with one hand, while moving), Passing (bounce, chest pass), "Triple Threat Position" - more on that in another post, Shooting (w/ proper form), Defensive position (man-to-man).

Soccer: Dribbling (both feet), Ball control (stopping, starting, changing speed), Defensive position (including goalie play, if applicable)

Baseball: Contact hitting, ground-ball fielding, basic throwing and catching. For baseball, I'd throw in a quick discussion about baserunning, if applicable.

Football: This one depends a lot on how you're playing the kids - fixed position vs. playing all positions. I focus on throwing with proper form, catching (with hands), and defensive positioning. For flag football - focus on flag pulling, which you'll find to be vitally important. For tackle, obviously tackling technique would be important.

Don't out-fox yourself with the youngsters. Focus on the basic skills first. If they've mastered that, you're ahead of the game and have free reign to do whatever else you'd like.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Thanks for the support!

I did want to take a minute to say thank you to all of you who have given me positive feedback on this effort. I appreciate your comments and support, and I hope you find the information valuable.

I think more good things lie ahead...

Drill of the Day: 3 on 2, 2 on 1

I am still wrapping up the current football/soccer seasons, however I couldn't help but think ahead to one of my favorite drills (for basketball).

3 on 2, 2 on 1 is a fast break drill which teaches decision making, and stresses quickness.

Setup: You'll need a full-court with hoops on both ends. Line up at least 3 kids on one end across the baseline - they start out with the ball. Two kids will start out on the far end of the court playing defense. Line extra players up behind the 3 along the baseline - they will make up the next group.

Drill: The three players head down the court on a fast break. The defenders attempt to stop the break. After a basket is scored or the defenders get the rebound (or the coach calls time), the defenders take the ball down the court the other way for a 2-on-1 break. The defender is the middle player from the original 3. The two remaining players from the 3 stay on the far end of the court to play defense as the drill continues.

In thinking about this post, it could work for soccer, too - maybe kids 7 or 8 and up. For the basketball version of the drill, I'd recommend it for 7 and 8 year olds, but it might be a little rough for younger kids. An alternative for the younger kids may be to remove the defenders.

Encourage your offensive players to make quick decisions and take the best shot available to them. On defense, you can stress how you'd like players to react to fast breaks. The most common reaction would be to have one defender commit to stopping the ball, and have the other pick a passing lane and/or choose an offensive player to guard. On a missed shot - stress to both sides the importance of getting the rebound.

Good luck with this one. It's fun to see it in action when it keeps rolling...

Monday, May 4, 2009


Blogger seems to have a formatting conniption when you put a picture in your post. I spent about a half-hour getting the Yoda picture all worked out several posts ago, and now Walter caused the text formatting to get really bizarre.

Something to keep in mind when you write your own blog...


For as much as I want to encourage parents - or anyone - to volunteer their time to coach, you have to really want it. You have to be the "authority" on the team - the example for everyone to follow. And, you have to know the rules... of the sport, and of the league you're playing in. It doesn't matter when you learned them - just that you know, and adjust your coaching and strategy accordingly.

Why isn't this just really obvious? Because there are a lot of other things to think about. Equipment. Emails to the team. Dang, work was really bad today... When is practice? Little Johnny can't make that day, can you please move it to Tuesdays? In fact, that's the only day he can make it... But, you've seen soccer on TV - it can't be that hard, right? No hands, 11 players per side...?

Nothing is more embarrassing than to show up having practiced with goalies and now you can't use them. Or finding out that the basketball hoops are really 8 feet and not 6. Or that your team missed out on scoring a touchdown because you didn't realize you only had 2 timeouts per half. I've seen all of this happen, and none of it was positive.

Reading the rules literally takes a few minutes. It's ok to have questions. Every coordinator I've ever worked with was more than happy to follow up on any questions I had. Once you've read and understand the rules, don't let anyone else dictate the rules as they understand them to you (not parents, and especially not other coaches!). You will have practiced skills and put in strategy around the rules to give your kids the best chance of success (RIGHT?!). This is not to say you shouldn't agree to minor rule modifications with other coaches or officials as individual situations dictate! But knowing the rules puts you in that authority role that coaches should be in. Your parents will respect this, and the kids will rally around it.

Rules are your ally. They are in place to put the kids in the best and safest environment to succeed in the given sport. Knowing them well gives you an advantage, and it is difficult to argue what's written in the coaches' packet (vs. what you've "heard" or assumed about the league). This simple action can make the difference between great and not-so-great experiences on the field.

For my friends who may be reading - or for those of you who enjoy "The Big Lebowski" - yes, the scene with Smokey and Walter was the inspiration for this post.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

This blog really should be a website...

I was looking through the first 10 posts, and it seems like there's a lot good information. Practices, drills, thoughts - wow... Alright. Now that I'm done patting myself on the back, I am wondering - how the heck is anyone going to make heads or tails out of any of this? What happens if you're looking for "football stuff" and there's all the soccer and baseball stuff mixed in? What if you're more about the "random thoughts" and less about the technical details?

I've been doing some research on other youth sports websites. Thankfully, there are a few worthwhile, but I haven't found one I really liked yet (although, you'll see links to some of the better ones here soon). So, I'm thinking about setting up a real site, then having the blog as a compliment to that. Yeah, that's gonna take time and effort - but we have a Mac!

On another note, our spring seasons are winding down - just 1 game left for both soccer and football. But - maybe even more than other seasons - I am extremely proud of both teams. Those kids have all worked very, very hard, and gotten much better over the course of the season! We'll continue on with 5-year-old soccer in the gym for the summer, and also 8 and 9-year old basketball (where the real fun starts). I'm sure there will be plenty more about that as those seasons get closer.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

What to do when...

As a coach, you will eventually have a blowout game. Hopefully, it is your team piling it on, and not being piled upon. This can be a difficult situation either way. If your team is having a great day, it may be difficult to encourage them to keep playing hard - even if you're not keeping score, they "know" how the game is going. If you're getting stomped, it may be quite a chore to keep the kids engaged in trying and playing when they "know" the score.

There's a few things I stress at every opportunity throughout the season. Number one is to play hard - try your best - all the time. The second is forget about the last play because, good or bad, it's in the past and the next play is at hand. I also emphasize defense over offense at every turn. If you limit the other team's ability to score, it makes your job on offense that much easier.

You can see where these can be in conflict with a blowout score... it's not easy to forget that you've scored 8 (or was it 9?) goals, and the other team hasn't scored any. It's also not easy to keep working hard when the other team is beating you in every aspect of the game. And who needs defense on either side of a blowout?

If you're getting beat handily, try a few things. First - don't be calling timeout and stopping the clock. Get the game over as quickly as possible. Next, try to focus on the positives - try to get a few quality possessions, or get a few plays in to move the ball effectively. If the kids are younger, you might arrange a little "success" with the other coach. All of these are avoidable - is it obvious that you should try to NOT be blown out?

If your team has the good fortune of being on the right side of a lop-sided score, it is your obligation to show sportsmanship. These are 5, 6, 7 year olds - not in high school, not pro athletes. When you're up 3 or 4 touchdowns, think twice about calling reverses and other gadget plays. If you're up 5 or 6 goals - tell the players to focus on passing to teammates. This will both kill time and keep you from scoring a lot more (even if scoring is inevitable).

I hate telling kids not to play hard, because that goes against what we've talked about all season. But, in some of these cases, it may be effective to distract the kids by suggesting you'd like to see other aspects of the game.

However the game turns out, be sure to send a positive message to kids at the end. There's nothing wrong with doing a great job. That's exactly what you've worked for... And if the other team got you that day, it gives you (obvious) talking points for the next practice. Few things have motivated me more as a coach than getting it handed to you. I am always prepared the next time...

Friday, May 1, 2009

Anatomy of a Practice: Flag Football

The 6-8 year olds are 6 games and 7 practices into the 8-game season, and we've established a pretty regular routine. Here's a brief overview of how we spend 45 minutes once a week.

Stretching and Running - Each practice starts up with a brief warm up period, followed by some sprints. Keep in mind, these are little kids, not high schoolers. I'll usually have them do 2 sets of sprints, and then we'll get started with the rest of practice.

Next up is route running practice. I have installed a basic route tree, with 9 patterns. We spent much more time on this for the first few weeks as the kids were learning the routes. Now, we go over them as a review, and to try to run them more precisely. I'll talk more about the routes and plays later on.

Now that we're probably 15 minutes into practice, it's time for a break. I like to stop every 10-15 minutes so that the kids aren't distracted by needing a quick rest of being thirsty. There's plenty of other distractions for them.

For the next 10-15 minutes, it's usually a drill or two. In earlier practices, we did basic throwing and catching. At this age, it's important to stress the mechanics of throwing, and watching the ball all the way in on a catch. I also try to stress catching with hands (if they can), versus catching against the body. This will help them later on, but may lead to a lot of dropped passes in the present. In practices later in the season, I've also run center-quarterback snapping drills, as well as some flag-pulling drills. As you can imagine, pulling flags is vitally important...

After another quick break, the last 15-20 minutes is on offensive and/or defensive strategy. We've installed a zone defense scheme (more on that later), because the kids struggled with 1-on-1 responsibilities. We've also had some difficulty running plays correctly, so it was important to me to get 2-3 plays down. I'm not sure we did, but it was worth a shot.

Running through all of this can easily consume an hour. If the kids seem distracted, move on to the next activity - or - if they are acting up, you can always have them run more.

Football is a strategy-based sport. There's a lot of teamwork involved... be sure to use practice time wisely to give yourself and the team the best shot at success during the games.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Drill of the Day: Follow the Ball

This is a drill that works for basketball, football, and soccer... I'm sure there's some way it applies to baseball, but I haven't convinced myself of that yet.

Setup: Have the kids face you, and space themselves out. Explain the drill.

Activity: The coach moves the ball in one of 4 directions - left, right, up, or down. The kids follow by moving 2 quick steps in that direction (up is backward, down is forward). Adjust speed of movements to the age of the kids.

This one applies to pretty much all ages, and can be used to get the kids to focus on watching the ball and reacting to it. I've used it extensively in football this season, because we were having a problem tracking the ball on handoffs.

This one can be tiring for the kids, but it also can emphasize quickness and agility. To increase the intensity (for older kids - middle school+) - have the players use "happy feet" between movements.

Basic setup, simple drill... Good luck!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Which sport should my kid play?

Everyone has a theory about which sports their kids should play and why. I do too. I'm not an expert in child development, but I was a kid and I am a parent - and I can tell you what worked for me...

First off, I'm a believer in encouraging your kid to get involved in something at a young age. It doesn't matter if it's ballet or basketball or basket-weaving. Activities allow them to be engaged, interact with others, and gain confidence as they have success. Once the activity is chosen, it's important to stick with it through the commitment - usually, that means the season. Quitting early, or not giving full effort sends the message that sticking with something isn't important.

For really young kids, maybe up to at least 3 years, I think it's best to play informally. Maybe put them in swimming lessons, but play ball in the backyard, kick the soccer ball around and help them develop basic motor skills. But at some point, they're ready for soccer.

Soccer is great for 4 year olds and up. There's really 2 things to think about - kick and run. Yes, the games are usually a pack of kids surrounding a ball in close proximity... but it's cute. During the practices and games, the team bonds, and learns the basics of sportsmanship along with the actual game. It can be rough going, but it sets the stage for enjoying soccer further, or playing other sports.

It was difficult for me to explain "offense" and "defense" to 4 year olds. I gave up on that, and instead talked about kicking the ball toward "our goal" and away from "their goal". That's probably another topic.

My son was able to play basketball as a kindergartner. Of course, you have 6' hoops, and there's not much dribbling or passing, but there's only slightly more to think about than soccer (run, shoot, and then anything else they can remember). With basketball, offense and defense is a little bit clearer, because you're doing different things.

When I was a kid, I played tee ball in first grade, and so we tried baseball (coach pitched) with Alex at 6. This added the next step in complexity - when batting, you just swung the bat and ran when you hit it... easy. But what do you do in the field? Usually the rules are set up so that baserunners stop either at first base, or at the base they're on after the ball is touched by the defense - so for fielders, you can tell them to "throw it to first" all the time, and that's pretty safe. But, baseball has lots of complex rules about force outs, tag outs, etc. It takes a little bit of practice and playing the game for the more advanced concepts to begin sinking in...

At 7, Alex begged to play football. I was ok with that. Flag football. He's now at the age where he understands games and rules, and can easily adapt. We rotate sports, although he has his favorites (which doesn't include soccer). The most difficult part about the football team is that there are 6-8 year olds, covering kindergarten through THIRD GRADE. If you've made it this far in the post, you probably understand how that's a bit of a challenge...

Most importantly - encourage your kid to do something. Every child is different, and - maybe there's a football prodigy out there who's 4... But if you're scratching your head, pick a soccer league, and see what happens.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Communicate Effectively - With Parents

One of the reasons I have been so involved in coaching my kids' teams is an experience we had with a "bad" coach. "Larry" was assigned to be the coach of my son's soccer team many years ago. His son was also on the team, and he seemed like a nice enough guy. However, throughout the season, Larry would routinely send out cryptic emails, cancel practice at the last minute, and sometimes not show up for games. Larry was a decent enough coach on the field, but he was a poor communicator.

This irritates and frustrates parents, and it can impact the kids and their performance.

No one expects a coach to do everything perfectly. Jobs, illness, and life sometimes get in the way of making every practice and game on time - or at all. That said, it is important to build repoire with parents. Find out how to communicate with them (email works great for me, but some prefer phone). In addition to coaching, you are obligated to either be or find a "team coordinator". I am lucky - my kind and loving wife has helped me during he past several seasons - organizing email lists, sending reminders, keeping the snack schedule... this may seem like "little stuff" - or even stuff that doesn't matter. But it does.

Set the expectation - what can they expect from you? What do you expect from them? This likely changes a LOT as the kids get older...

Players whose parents know when they practice, where they practice, and when the games are will usually pay you back by being on-time and supportive of your efforts. They will be more apt to communicate with you - or even volunteer to help you out. Your communication style can create harmony on your team, which will lead to a much more rewarding experience. ...and the mood impacts the kids, and their enthusiasm (or not) for the game.

Communicating effectively with parents takes a little work, but the benefits far outweigh the costs. These skills also transfer directly into the actual coaching work - but that's for another time.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Drill of the Day: "Butch Lee Dribble"

Despite it being my favorite sport to coach, thus far I have paid very little attention to basketball. That's unfortunate, but it all changes now.

Today's drill is great for ages 7-8 on up, and it's called the Butch Lee Dribble. I can fondly remember back to my youth, when Pulaski High School head coach Fred Kesley introduced me to this drill at a summer basketball camp. I thought it was really dumb, and I didn't even know who Butch Lee was... but it turns out, this drill has grown on me a lot.

The player will start out with the ball in a low, strong dribble with their right hand. Then they take two short, quick steps forward. After a brief pause, the player maintains the dribble and takes two quick steps back. The ball is then crossed over to the left hand, and the action is repeated there. The player should move in a slight "V" pattern during the drill as they move back and forth, then cross over to the other side.

I like this drill for younger players because it lets them control the dribble going both forward and backward with each hand. It also gets them taking quick steps with the ball and switching hands in rhythm. Stress looking up and defending the dribble with the off-hand. For older kids, this is a good quickness and agility drill, especially combined with other speed dribbling drills.

In case you were left wondering, Butch Lee was an All-American point guard for Marquette in the late 1970's, and was an integral part of their 1977 NCAA Championship team. Born in Puerto Rico, he was an excellent ball handler and had a brief NBA career.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Anatomy of a Practice - 4/5 Soccer

I've gotten a bunch of questions about practice over the years. Practice. Practice?! For those of you who follow the NBA, it's inevitable that Iverson's "Practice" rant just entered your skull. For those who'd like a recap -> Sorry. Several of the questions involved what is done during a practice, and why. I figured I'd take a few paragraphs to explain my philosophy on preschool and kindergarten soccer practices, which are never dull.

These kids can handle about 20-30 minutes, and that's it. Occasionally you'll get a kid who is really (really) into soccer, and he or she can keep going, but everyone else is pretty much spent - maybe even way sooner than 20 minutes. At this age, they can also handle about 2 or 3 instructions - so your drills must be simple, and direct.

Before practice, be sure to inform your parents to bring their kid AND a properly-sized ball. For this age, it's usually size 3 (this will not be confusing to someone who works at a sporting goods store). My practices for this age change very little week to week. The kids fall into the routine, and the session is much more productive, and less time is wasted.

I like to start with some basic speed dribbling after warmups (which are brief, if at all - more on that some other time). This will involve lining the team up along one line (or between cones, etc), and having them dribble the ball to another landmark and back. Doing this a couple times will take about 5 minutes. An interesting twist on this drill is to have a whistle and get the kids to stop and start on the whistle. This allows them to get practice controlling the ball and stopping the ball at different speeds.

Next is usually dribbling around cones. A series of 4 cones is set up in a line - each about 5 yards apart. One group of kids starts on one side, and one on the other. Having kids going each way makes them look up, and not at the ball all the time. Sometimes I'll "race them" around the cones if things seem to be slow. This also takes about 5 minutes, and then it's time for a water break. When it's hot, I may decide to take water breaks more often - both for health, and so it's not an issue during the next drill.

In the middle of practice, it's time for a partner-passing drill. Here, two kids pair up using one ball, and pass to each other about 10 feet apart. I let them sort of wander around the field here, because it's inevitable a few passes will not be that accurate. The focus, though, it on good passes right to the partner (which the partner can stop and send back).

Next is usually a "fun" activity. One thing we do is a "race the coach" dribbling drill to a landmark that's 50 or more yards away. This gives the kids a chance to continuously dribble for a longer distance (and they love it). They always win. Another idea is to set up a 10 foot - by - 10 foot box with cones and play "Takeaway". This is a drill where you try to kick away your teammate's ball while keeping control of your own. Chaotic, but also a favorite.

After a quick drink, the final 5-10 minutes are spent on either offense or defense. If we're focusing on offense, I'll do anything from just plain kicking at the net to dribbling and kicking, or passing, dribbling, then kicking. Adjust to your kids. If it 's defense, we usually focus on guarding the goal, turning the ball around (to go our way) or goalie work. Some leagues in this age group don't have goalies, so read your rulebook! As a note, I do always work on defense at practices during the year before offense. Most kids are already wired to score goals... but read your team.

In summary (about 5 minutes each)...
- Speed or straight-line Dribbling
- Dribbling Agility
- Passing
- Something Fun
- Offense or Defense

A few parting notes. Remember, you're the coach - set whatever rules you want. For me, everyone wears shin guards, no one talks or fiddles while I am talking, and everyone is expected to do their best.